ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Simulation of debris flow head movement process in mountainous area based on FLOW-3D

    • 摘要: 由于2020年10月3日四川省阿坝州理县米亚罗镇突发暴雨,二经里沟暴发了泥石流,损坏沟口的高速公路,并堵塞河道。为了探索泥石流龙头运动特征,选取二经里沟为研究对象,通过调查分析得到泥石流物源分布及规模、沟道形态等特征,采用FLOW-3D数值模拟方法对该泥石流的运动特征进行分析。依据泥石流运动过程的不同特征,将全过程划分为物源汇集、运动特征突变、持续发展、泥沙堆积4个阶段,经验证模拟精度达88.98%。结合泥石流流动速度和堆积深度计算其强度指数,将其划分为4个等级并绘制强度分布图,其中极高强度区占2.4%,高强度区占5.1%,中强度区占13.6%,低强度区占78.9%。并通过三维建模在沟道拟设拦挡坝,模拟分析其对泥石流的减灾效果,为今后防治工程的修建提供科学依据。


      Abstract: On October 3rd, 2020, a sudden rainstorm in Li County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. resulted in the outbreak of debris flow in Erjingli gully, which caused severe damage to the highway at the mouth of the gully and blocked the river. To explore the characteristics of the process of debris flow head movement, Erjingli gully was selected as the research object. Through investigation and analysis, the characteristics of the gully source distribution, scale, and morphology were obtained, and the FLOW-3D numerical simulation method was used to analyze the movement characteristics of the debris flow. The different characteristics of the debris flow movement process can be divided into four phases: provenance collection, movement feature mutation, sustainable development and sediment accumulation. It has been proved that the accuracy of this simulation reaches 88.98%. The intensity index was calculated based on the flow velocity and accumulation depth. The debris flow was divided into four grades, and the distribution map was drawn. The extremely high-intensity area accounts for 2.4%, the high-intensity area accounts for 5.1%, the medium intensity area accounts for 13.6%, and the low-intensity area accounts for 78.9%. Based on 3D modeling, the dam is designed to simulate and analyze its effect on debris flow mitigation, which provides a scientific basis for the future control projects.


