ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P
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Volume 35 Issue 5
Oct.  2024
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LIU Chuanzheng. Research on the prevention and response of geological hazards along linear engineering[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2024,35(5): 1-4. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202402014
Citation: LIU Chuanzheng. Research on the prevention and response of geological hazards along linear engineering[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2024,35(5): 1-4. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202402014

Research on the prevention and response of geological hazards along linear engineering

More Information
  • Received Date: February 25, 2024
  • Revised Date: March 11, 2024
  • Accepted Date: July 03, 2024
  • Available Online: July 04, 2024
  • The prevention and response of geological hazards in linear engineering projects must consider safety throughout the project’s lifecycle. This involves specific strategies tailored to three distinct stages: planning and route selection, design and construction, and project operation. The planning and selection stage focuses on avoiding geological disaster risks. In the design and construction stage, engineering measures are implemented to prevent geological hazards from occurring or triggering. During project operation stage, the emphasis shift to monitoring, early warning, and efficient management of ongoing or potential geological hazards.

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