Citation: | ZANG Jiayuan,CHANG Wenbin,XING Aiguo,et al. Dynamic fragmentation characteristics of rock avalanche with tectonic joints[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2024,35(3): 1-11. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202209035 |
In recent years, rock avalanche disasters have been occurring frequently in southwest China, which seriously affect the regional ecological environment and human activities. To understand the fragmentation characteristics of the avalanche masses during their movement, this study is based on the field investigation of the rock avalanche in Zongling Town, Nayong County. The dynamic fragmentation process of the rock avalanche during the failure and accumulation stages was simulated using the particle discrete element method. Additionally, the distribution characteristics of the maximum feret’s diameter of the fragments within the rock avalanche mass were statistically analyzed. The results show that: (1) Under the effect of gravity, the internal structural joints of the rock avalanche rapidly interconnected, dividing the avalanche mass into numerous fragmented blocks that eventually slid along the down-dip joint surfaces. (2) The collapse exhibited significant fragmentation phenomena in the entire movement process, with extensive disintegration during the initial failure and friction-induced tearing and cracking fragmentation during the accumulation stage. (3) The feret’s diameter distribution curves of the fragments at different time intervals were fitted using Weibull two-parameter distribution model and fractal geometry theory. The results showed that the fragmentation degree of the avalanche during the accumulation stage (t = 21.7 to 72.4 s) was weaker than that during the initial failure stage (t = 0 to 21.7 s). The fractal dimension of the fragments and the proportion of fine-grained fragments continuously increased throughout the entire movement process, once again confirming the fragmentation and disintegration phenomena during the entire process of failure and accumulation. The research findings provide a theoretical basis for revealing the dynamic fragmentation mechanism of the Zongling rock avalanche, and provide scientific guidance for the prevention and control of rock avalanche disasters in the mountainous areas of southwest China.
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