ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P
    Volume 34 Issue 1
    Feb.  2023
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    Article Contents
    YANG Liuqing,CHEN Rong,HE Na,et al. Analysis of the cause of the“6·26” large debris flow in Yihai Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2023,34(1): 94-101. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202112030
    Citation: YANG Liuqing,CHEN Rong,HE Na,et al. Analysis of the cause of the“6·26” large debris flow in Yihai Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2023,34(1): 94-101. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202112030

    Analysis of the cause of the“6·26” large debris flow in Yihai Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province

    More Information
    • Received Date: December 25, 2021
    • Revised Date: June 17, 2022
    • Available Online: October 25, 2022
    • At around 21 pm on June 26, 2020, a massive debris flow broke out in Damawu Village and Dabaozi Village, Yihai Town. This massive debris flow caused heavy casualties and property losses. After the disaster, the causes of debris flow were analyzed by collecting local basic information, combining it with field investigation and field testing. The debris flow was caused by the early earthquake and human activities, which led to abundant loose solid materials in the basin, and the loose solid materials were not dredged and treated in time. The slope of the upper and middle reaches of the basin is large and the terrain is steep, which provides good natural conditions for the development of debris flow. On the evening of June 26, heavy rain suddenly fell, which surpassed the rainfall threshold and caused the flood of the Anning River to wash away the dam and triggered the massive debris flow. The debris flow disaster gives us a major warning: we should strengthen the publicity of debris flow disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge, guide local residents to choose reasonable sites to carry out engineering activities and dredge the river course in time, strengthen the monitoring and early warning of mountain disasters, and improve the construction of group detection and prevention systems.
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