ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P
    赵聪,梁京涛,铁永波,等. 西藏雅鲁藏布江峡谷特大巨型泥石流活动与泥沙输移特征研究[J]. 中国地质灾害与防治学报,2024,35(4): 45-55. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202403025
    引用本文: 赵聪,梁京涛,铁永波,等. 西藏雅鲁藏布江峡谷特大巨型泥石流活动与泥沙输移特征研究[J]. 中国地质灾害与防治学报,2024,35(4): 45-55. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202403025
    ZHAO Cong,LIANG Jingtao,TIE Yongbo,et al. Study on the activities of the massive debris flows and sediment transport characteristics in the Grand Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River Gorge, Xizang[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2024,35(4): 45-55. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202403025
    Citation: ZHAO Cong,LIANG Jingtao,TIE Yongbo,et al. Study on the activities of the massive debris flows and sediment transport characteristics in the Grand Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River Gorge, Xizang[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control,2024,35(4): 45-55. DOI: 10.16031/j.cnki.issn.1003-8035.202403025


    Study on the activities of the massive debris flows and sediment transport characteristics in the Grand Bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River Gorge, Xizang

    • 摘要: 雅鲁藏布江大拐弯地处流域中下游分界处,为中国泥石流灾害活动极为发育的地区之一。以雅鲁藏布江大拐弯入口段南岸的派巴沟和曲鲁沟为例,基于该地区50年来历史光学卫星影像数据,采用多期遥感对比解译与现场调查相结合的方式,开展泥石流物源发育分布特征、泥沙输移特征、活动历史演化特征研究,结果表明:1980—2023年,派巴沟进入主河道的年平均泥沙量1 900 m3;在2016年修建拦挡坝前,曲鲁沟进入主河道的年平均泥沙量700 m3。派巴沟和曲鲁沟均于1980年左右暴发过大规模泥石流,此后40余年间,派巴沟以洪水及小型泥石流为主;曲鲁沟则暴发过多次规模不等的泥石流活动。近年来派巴沟流域内物源数量及面积增长幅度较小,泥石流易发性中等;曲鲁沟流域内发育大量沟道堆积物源以及坡面堆积物源,且近年来物源数量及面积增长幅度较为明显,泥石流易发性高,此前建成的治理工程运行良好,可有效降低泥石流的风险性。


      Abstract: The Grand bend of the Yarlung Zangbo River, located at the boundary between the middle and lower reaches of the basin, is one of the most developed areas for debris flow activities in China. This study focuses on the Paiba gully and Qulu Valley on the south bank of the entrance section of the Yarlung Zangbo River’s grand bend. We collected and sorted out the historical optical satellite image data of the region in the past 50 years. By combining multi-period remote sensing image comparative interpretation and field investigation, we carried out the research on the characteristics of the development and distribution of debris flow sources, the characteristics of sediment transport, and the historical evolution of debris flow activities. The results show that from 1980 to 2023, the annual average sediment volume of the Paiba gully entering the main river was about 1900 m3. Before the construction of a retaining dam in 2016, the annual average sediment volume of the Qulu Valley entering the main river channel was about 700 m3. Both Paiba gully and Qulu Valley experienced large-scale debris flow around 1980. Over the next 40 years, Paiba gully was mainly characterized by floods and small-scale debris flow, while Qulu Valley experienced multiple debris flow events of varying scales. In recent years, the number and area of material sources in Paiba gully have increased relatively slowly, and the susceptibility of debris flows is moderate. In contract, Qulu Valley has seen significant increases in the quantity and area of channel and slope material sources, leading to high debris flow susceptibility. Sources developed in the Qulu Valley, and the quantity and area of these material sources have increased significantly in recent years. The susceptibility of debris flows is high, and the previously built control projects are functioning well and can effectively reduce the risk of debris flows.


