ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Analysis of crack development in loess deep filled ground based on physical modelling tests

    • 摘要: 裂缝是高填方工程中常见病害,常规手段难以精准预测裂缝的发育情况。为指导黄土高填方工程的抗裂缝设计,以陕北某黄土高填方工程中的典型沟谷断面为原型,采用土工离心模型试验预测黄土高填方场地潜在裂缝,结合现场监测方法,揭示裂缝产生机制,并调查分析工程场地内裂缝的孕裂环境、启裂条件、破裂过程,评估离心模型试验预测裂缝发育的有效性,提出适用于黄土高填方场地的裂缝防控措施。离心模型试验结果显示,不均匀沉降、水平位移会引起沟谷地形中的黄土高填方场地在挖填交界带内发育裂缝;离心模型试验与原型现场监测结果显示,原型与离心模型试验的裂缝分布位置相对应,填土厚度差异引起的不均匀沉降和朝向沟谷中心的水平位移产生的拉剪联合作用是裂缝产生的主要原因。


      Abstract: Cracks are a common issue in deep filled construction projects, and conventional methods often struggle to accurately predict their development. To guide the anti-crack design for deep-filled loess projects, a prototype of a typical gully section from a northern Shaanxi project was selected. Geotechnical centrifuge model tests were utilized to predict potential cracks in the loess fill, with the cracking mechanisms elucidated through combined field monitoring. The study also investigates the conditions conducive to cracking, the fracture initiation of cracks, and the fracture processes within the project site. The effectiveness of using centrifuge model tests for predicting crack development was evaluated, and measures suitable for preventing and controlling cracks in high loess fill sites were proposed. The results indicate that uneven settlement and horizontal displacement cause cracks to develop in the excavation-fill boundary zone within gully terrain. Both centrifuge model tests and prototype field monitoring demonstrate that crack distributions in the prototype correspond to those in the tests, with differential fill thickness and horizontal displacement towards the center of the gully primarily responsible for the formation of cracks.


