ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Analysis on the distribution and formation mechanism of ground collapse in gypsum mining area in Yingcheng of Hubei Province

    • 摘要: 矿区地面塌陷地质灾害对道路、管道等基础设施及居民生命财产和矿区安全生产具有重要的影响。湖北应城石膏矿距今有近400年的开采历史,长期地下开采形成了较大范围的采空区和地面塌陷。在系统收集矿区前期资料和补充调(勘)查的基础上,采取多因子综合分析和地质分析法,分析了地面塌陷类型及发育分布规律,基于“三带”理论,对老窿型和采空型地面塌陷的成因机制进行了分析。研究表明,应城石膏矿地面塌陷主要为小-中型,地面塌陷分为采空型和老窿型。采空型地面塌陷主要包含矿柱破坏型和弯曲沉降型两类,矿柱破坏型主要为房柱法开采导致矿柱和顶板的破坏垮落,弯曲沉降型主要为长壁式充填法开采充填率不足导致顶板垮落。采空型地面塌陷的主要控制因素为采空区充填情况和采深采厚比,当采深采厚比小于60时,地表多发育塌陷现象,而随着采深采厚比的增大,采空区地面塌陷逐渐减少;老窿型地面塌陷变形程度取决于老窿是否与规模化采空区连通及是否充水。研究成果对石膏矿风险管理、安全评估、监测预警体系构建等具有指导意义。


      Abstract: Geological disasters of ground collapse in mining area have a significant impact on infrastructure, such as roads, pipelines, residents’ lives and property, and safety production in mining area. Yingcheng gypsum mine in Hubei Province has a mining history of nearly 400 years, and long-term underground mining has formed a large range of goaf and ground collapse. Based on the systematic collection of pre-mining data and supplementary survey, the types and distribution rules of ground collapse were analyzed by multi-factor comprehensive and geological method. Based on the theory of "three zones", the cause mechanism of ground collapse of old hole type and mining cavity type were studied. The research shows that the ground collapse of gypsum mine is mainly small to medium in Yingcheng, and the geological hazards of ground collapse are divided into mining cavity type and old hole type. The caving type of ground collapse mainly includes two types: pillar breakage type and bending settlement type. Pillar breakage type is mainly the pillar and roof collapse caused by room and pillar mining, and bending settlement type is mainly the roof collapse caused by insufficient filling rate of longwall filling method mining. The main controlling factors of goaf-type surface collapse are the goaf filling condition and the ratio of depth to thickness. When the ratio of depth to thickness is less than 60, the surface collapse occurs more often, and with the increase of the ratio of depth to thickness, the ground collapse gradually decreases. The degree of subsidence deformation in the old hole type depends on whether the old hole is connected with the large-scale goaf and whether it is filled with water. The research results have guiding significance for gypsum mine risk management, safety assessment, monitoring and early warning system construction.


