ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Precision calibration and suitability analysis of piezoelectric rain gauges for complex scenarios in geological hazard monitoring

    • 摘要: 降雨尤其是局地集中强降雨是诱发滑坡、泥石流等突发地质灾害的主要因素之一。据中国历史灾情统计,局地短时集中强降雨是泥石流的最主要诱发因素,同时降雨诱发型滑坡数量也约占滑坡总数的70%。目前,中国南方的春汛、梅汛提前和北方的秋汛延后,造成地质灾害数量增加、防范区域扩大、防御时段延长。因此开展雨量监测对滑坡、泥石流预警预报具有十分重要的意义。受野外监测场地地形地貌、植被和局地小气候等影响,雨量监测设备的精度、灵敏性、稳定性以及安装位置的科学性是精准预警预报的前提。文章基于翻斗式和压电式两种类型雨量计测定原理、技术参数、安装方法和运维方式的对比,开展室内模拟降雨环境和野外复杂场景试验,进行压电式雨量计精度测定及适宜性分析。结果表明:压电式雨量计误差范围在4%以内。在野外地质灾害监测复杂场景下,压电式雨量计无论是量程大小、测量精度,还是安装方式和后期维护,均较翻斗式雨量计更为适宜。


      Abstract: Rainfall, especially local concentrated heavy rainfall, is one of the major factors triggering sudden geological hazards such as landslides and debris flow. According to historical disaster statistics in China, locally short-term concentrated heavy rainfall is the primary triggering factor for debris flows, accounting for approximately 70% of the total number of landslides. Recent alterations in seasonal rainfall patterns, with accelerated spring floods and plum rain in southern China, as well as delayed autumn rain in the northern regions, have led to an increase in geological disasters, expanded risk-prone areas, and prolonged risk management periods. Therefore, conducting rainfall monitoring is of great significance for landslides and debris flow early warning and prediction. To ensure precise early warnings and predictions, the accuracy, sensitivity, stability, and scientifically grounded installation of rainfall monitoring equipment are prerequisites. This study, comparing two types of rain gauges-- tipping bucket and piezoelectric—in terms of measurement principles, technical specifications, installation methods, and operational maintenance, conducted both indoor simulated rainfall experiments and field tests within complex scenes. The results reveal that the piezoelectric rain gauge maintains an error range within 4%. These findings highlight that in the context of complex geological hazard monitoring scenarios, the piezoelectric rain gauge proves more suitable than the tipping bucket rain gauge, regardless of measurement range, accuracy, installation, or post-installation maintenance considerations


