ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Exploring strategies for effective technical support in geological hazard prevention and control for provincial government authorities

    • 摘要: 论文在阐述陕西地质灾害基本情况、分析地质灾害防治工作形势基础上,以陕西省地质调查院省级地质灾害技术支撑工作实践经验为例,围绕地质灾害风险风险识别、地质灾害监测预警、地质灾害能力提升、地质灾害应急值守以及科技创新等,探讨如何做好地质灾害防治技术支撑工作,为陕西省各地市乃至全国地质灾害技术支撑提供可参考与借鉴依据。


      Abstract: Based on an exposition of the fundamental situation of geological disasters in Shaanxi and an analysis of the state of geological disaster prevention and control, this paper presents theoretical research and practical experience by the Shaanxi Provincial Geological Survey Institute during its technical support work on provincial geological disasters. Specifically, this includes topics such as geological disaster risk identification, monitoring and warning, capacity building, emergency guarantee, and scientific and technological innovation. The paper provides a summary and discussed of how to excel in the technical support for geological disaster prevention and control, thereby offering a technical foundation for geological disaster technical support in various cities in Shaanxi Province and even across the country.


