ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Application of airborne LiDAR and ground 3D laser scanning in geological hazard risk investigation of Dujiazhai collapse in Shuicheng, Guizhou

    • 摘要: 在贵州岩溶山区开展地质灾害风险调查时,由于局部存在高差较大的复杂山体,传统的地面调查手段往往具有局限性。为有效地识别及测量潜在的高位隐蔽性地质灾害隐患,采用无人机载LiDAR和地面三维激光扫描的方法,通过“俯视”数据与“正视”数据相融合,可完整、精确地获取崩塌危岩带的高精度点云及三维模型等数据。以贵州省水城区鸡场镇独家寨崩塌为例,通过野外数据采集-原始点云处理-不同数据融合-整体着色修复等步骤,最后得到研究区高精度三维模型数据,在此基础上对岩体结构和裂隙进行提取,解译出层面和两组节理裂隙产状,进而有效识别危岩体的空间分布,并基于网格划分方法计算出危岩带的规模约6.6×104 m3。结果表明无人机载LiDAR与地面三维激光扫描相融合的方法可优势互补,具有可操作性强、精度高、识别准等特点,可有效地获取解译并识别危岩体的分布及规模,为后续稳定性分析及风险评价提供基础。


      Abstract: In karst mountainous area of Guizhou, in China, traditional ground survey methods often have limitations due to the existence of complex mountains with large elevation differences. In order to effectively identify and measure potential high-order position and hidden geological hazards, the technology method of integrating unmanned aerial vehicle LiDAR with ground 3D laser scanning is adopted. Through the fusion of “vertical view” data and “front view” data, the high-precision point cloud and 3D model data of the collapse can be obtained completely and accurately. This study takes the collapse of Dujiazhai in Jichang Town, Shuicheng District, Guizhou Province as an example, and finally obtains high-precision 3D model data in the study area through the steps of field data collection, original point cloud preprocessing, different data fusion, and overall coloring repair. Based on the 3d model data, the rock mass structure and fractures were extracted, and the stratification plane and two groups of joint fractures were interpreted, in order to effectively identify the spatial distribution of the dangerous rock mass. The size of the dangerous rock belt was calculated to be about 66,000 m3 based on the grid division method. The results show that the technical method of the integration of UAV-borne LiDAR and ground 3D laser scanning can complement each other with advantages, and has the characteristics of strong operability, high accuracy and accurate identification. It can effectively obtain the distribution and scale of dangerous rock mass, provide a basis for subsequent stability analysis and risk assessment.


