ISSN 1003-8035 CN 11-2852/P


    Model test of debris flow source initiation mechanism in Suyu valley of Helan Mountain

    • 摘要: 文中通过模型试验,对试验现象中泥石流启动模式和堆积特征进行观测,研究了贺兰山苏峪口泥石流的形成受沟床坡度、土体含水率、粗颗粒含量三个因素影响的状况,初步探讨了贺兰山东麓泥石流在三个因素影响下的变化情况,试验结果表明:三个因素对泥石流影响由大到小分别是粗颗粒含量,沟床坡度、土体含水率;且粗颗粒含量越低、沟床坡度越大、含水率越高越容易发育泥石流。细颗粒含量较高时,泥石流的类型为沟道侵蚀型,粗颗粒含量较高时,泥石流类型为堵溃型。


      Abstract: In this paper, through model test, the test of the debris flow phenomenon incipient and run-out mode and accumulation characteristics were observed and studied the helan mountain Suyu valley debris flow affected by the gully bed slope, soil water content, and coarse particle content, preliminary discussed the helan mountain debris flow changes under the influence of the three factors, the experimental results showed that: coarse particle content is the strongest, gully slope is the second, and soil water content is the weakest. The lower the coarse particle content, the higher the gully slope and the higher the water content, the easier the debris flow development. The development mode of debris flow is affected by the content of coarse and fine particles. When the content of fine particles is higher, the type of debris flow is channel erosion, while when the content of coarse particles is higher, the type of debris flow is blocking.


